I write on art history, technology & cultural economics at large.

“Everyone I have Ever Slept With, 1962-1995.”

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 62

Print. 2021.

“The contemporary artist is a stand-in for capital...she is neither a wage labourer nor an entrepreneur: she risks herself.”

“The Surplus in Being”


Online. 2021.

”...beneath the layers of CGI that are the human condition, one begins to sense Kant’s nightmare of pure reason”

“Rules of the Game”

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 61

Print. 2021.

“I learn this about the art market analyst after meeting with him to talk about his career, and by extension, everyone else’s…”

“Point Break”

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 60

Print. 2021.

“Perhaps a more efficient definition of Accelerationism might be something like this: it’s possible to use the master’s tools to dismantle the master’s house provided one masters those tools herself.”

“Intelligent Designs: Art in the Age of Synthetic Reproduction”

Grow Magazine

Online. 2020.

”...pure, unadulterated Modernism — evidence of how well contemporary artists are positioned to manufacture dystopia and liquidate it like capital. “

“This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Surviving The Last Brucennial

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 59

Print. 2020.

”Behind the Last Brucennial was the death of an avant-garde. In its place was something slow and hard moving that the Italian feminists called autocoscienza...”

“Alien vs. Pret-a-Porter: On Women's History Museum”

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 64

Print. 2020.

“Xenocouture divests its historical representations in order to re-invest, perilously, in anti-static time.”

“Art After Work”

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 62


“A drawback to working in the attention economy is that it zaps your memory. So I’ve taken to doing phone interviews from the back seat of Ubers.”

“The Moon in Review”

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 61

Print. 2019.

“It appears that each scientific revolution that succeeded in eliminating a bit more the mysticism of the moon fell prey to a greater portion of its illusion.”

“Square Root”

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 61.

Print. 2019.

“Black magic and cryptoeconomics on one axis; institutional resources and surplus populations on the other.”

“The Safeword is Post-studio Practice”

Spike Art Magazine, Issue 60

Print. 2019.

“Sex work can’t be represented, but it can be exchanged with representation which is why it’s illegal to launder money but not work.”